The earlier you understand how your computer works the better for you, so in this case, one needs to know the difference between the computer hardware and software. The hardware and the software works together to achieve a good result. With the help of hardware and software together in a computer system you can perform the wide variety of functions possible on your personal system.
The computer hardware are mainly the physical aspect of the computer, those things you can touch and feel, like the motherboard and all the things that are connected to it (cd-Rom, Ram, Hard disk, floppy disk, power unit ), keyboard, mouse etc. The computer hardware always determines the operating system to be installed in it.
The computer software are what puts the hardware to work. The operating system is one of the computer software. Example of the operating system is WIN98, WINME, WIN2000, WINXP etc.
An operating system is a set of program or instructions written to control the computer and provide a common interface for users to interact with the system components. An operating system interact directly with the BIOS (basic input output system) to provide you with standard and consistent access to the computer devices. It also controls different computer processes, such as running an application program or accessing information from the computer memory. One of the important process is interpreting commands, enabling the user to communicate with the computer, some of these commands interpreters are text oriented, requiring commands to be typed in or to be selected via function keys on a keyboard.
So with the help of an operating system in your computer, other software can now be able to install. Such software is what we used in doing our daily works.
Microsoft word: used for writing of letters, report and any other document.
Graphic software: software used for designing like, greeting card, invitation card etc. is a B2B Portal marketplace that opens virtual doors to assists buyers & sellers trade with each other at a reliable, common platform, and promotes their products to local and international markets. It has a computer hardware showcase and shopping guide of computer equipment dealers, distributors, computer hardware components suppliers, exporters, peripherals & software manufacturers, network device, notebooks/laptops, printers & scanners, ups & power supply, keyboards etc.
Microsoft excel: for calculation.
There are other numerous software that you can install in your computer depending on what you are doing with the computer system. With the help of this article, we will understand the different between computer hardware and software and what they does in a computer system.
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